Why Sound Healing?
Why Sound Healing?
The best answer to this question would probably come from a priest or shaman of an ancient civilisation where sound was used as a gateway to altered states of mind. But would we be able to understand their explanation if it did not come in the form of a scientific theorem?
So the best answer for us today lies somewhere in between our current understanding of human biology and the elusive field of “energy healing”.
We know that our bodies are made to be extremely sensitive to sound. Throughout its development, a human fetus is exposed to a number of internal bodily sounds such as the mother's heartbeat, respiration, blood circulation and also external sounds reaching the uterus from the outside world and travelling to our ears through the amniotic fluid.
I did not make a distinction between sound and rhythm here because they are basically the same phenomenon perceived in two different ways. Just like a series of frames on a film, when projected at the right speed, is perceived as seamless, fluid movement, a rhythm above the frequency of around 16 Hz (cycles per second) is perceived as sound. This phenomenon is known as auditory flutter fusion or flicker fusion , the “flickering threshold” that separates our perception of rhythm and sound. Above this threshold, we still receive a rhythmical stimulus, but its speed (frequency) is interpreted by the brain as a whole and perceived as a tone.
travels through water around four times faster than through air and
our bodies are made of a high percentage of water. Sound has the
potential to change the molecular structure of water so it can have a
tremendous effect on the substance of our bodies. Considering that
water is a life form capable of storing memory, the implications are
very vast.
Sound travels very well also through our bones. In fact, we use our bones to amplify the sound of our voice generated by the vocal cords, which otherwise would be very faint.
Our overall
makeup is very sensitive to sound, making the use of sound for
healing a powerful tool.
Copyright 2017/20 - Simone Vitale